About Me

Lives in Ohio, enjoys virtualy all music (exept country) likes the cincinati Bengals, Cincinati Reds and OSU Buckeyes. Likes COD: Black ops and Madden NFL 10

Sunday, November 28, 2010

2010 first peson shooter reveiw, COD Black ops

Cod: black ops
the most realistic shooter game of the decade! The graphics are terrific, the damage is realistic, and now you can buy any atatchment without having to wait to gain multipul "marksman" titles. Vehicles: Call of Duty finaly has vehicles, but only in career mode :( 
The motorcycle was insane, and their soundtrack was great, some of the good old clasics of the time the video game took place (1940-1950's) such as the rolling stones "sympathy for the devil" and many others. Online gameplay: Get rid of these mods and hacks!!! The wall hack and FAL/M14 rapid fire mod just lost me 3 search and destroy matches: Ban some people for them! I never could figure out what hapened between mason and his number brodcasts. I just want to tell tri-arc: get vehiciles for multiplayer and stop the hacks.  overall a solid 8.5/10

2010 first peson shooter reveiw, Halo Reach

well, we can say that 2010 was a huge year for first person shooter games! Halo reach, COD: black ops, gears of war 3, metal of honor: airborne.
First i'm going to talk about Halo. I went out and bought Halo Reach this year, and let me tell you now: if you don't have it, you might not want to go buy it. I am not a big halo fan, but this was not worth $60! I have always hated the "sheilds" but when they are drained, it's like there's a super human under all of that inpenatrable armor! Now I'm going to show some up sides to reach: great grapics, and the rocket warthog. I did like the needeler and needeler rifle, but they almost never exploded, they would just stick to your opponent. My personal rating: 6/10, sorry bungie :(